
Help For Survivors Of Violence Is Just A Call Away

KAMPALA, Uganda – Violence, especially against women in Uganda, is a rampant vice that has claimed several lives. Violence takes several forms that may include sexual, emotional, psychological, economic and most commonly physical violence. According to a 2020 report by Uganda police, a total of 16,242 cases of sexual gender based violence were reported to police by the end of June of the same year. The report also indicated that most of the victims of defilement (4,822) were aged between 15 and 17 years, 64 were between 0 and eight...
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Stiff Resistance to The Girl Child is Keeping Her Behind

KAMPALA, Uganda – It is a sad reality that women and girls in several communities continue to face discrimination, violence, and a lack of equal opportunities that threaten their lives and rob them of their potential at a rate greater than men. A story is told of 14-year-old Mariama who had been forced to flee her home in the Central African Republic because armed groups were threatening her village. When she arrived with her family at a refugee camp, all that was meant to be safe was not. Mariama would...
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Cyber Harassment, a New Form of Violating Women’s Rights

KAMPALA, Uganda – Some of the common forms of violence against women and girls include, forced marriages, female genital mutilation (FGM), rape and defilement, economic violence where husbands forcefully grab merchandise belonging to their wife and in some cases taking their hard earned money without their approval, and among others. Instead of a downward trend, violence against women has been on a rise in Uganda. According to the Uganda Police Force annual report 2019, a total of 13,683 children, majority of them being girls were defiled. Many women in their...
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Courts Need To Step Up And Help Deliver Justice For The Girl Child

KAMPALA, Uganda – On September 2020, The New Vision published an article stating that a total of 6,888 cases of Sex-Gender Based Violence had been reported to Police in the last six months. Of these, most victims of defilement (4,822) were aged 15-17 years, 640 of the victims were between 0-8 and 1446 were aged 9-14 years. The report indicated that generally, by the end of June, a total of 16,242 cases of SGBV were reported to Police, and that on average, a total of 2,707 cases of SGBV were...
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